HYKBLQ-17/45 (50) extended lightning arrester is directly installed on the shield (front/rear) connector to provide over-voltage protection for electrical equipment.
The extended arrester is a fully insulated and fully sealed structure. This arrester is divided into two types: distribution type 17/50 and power station type 17/45. According to customer needs, two voltage levels of 10KV and 6KV can be produced. Divided into two types: 10kV and 6kV.
The 20kV extended lightning arrester provides overvoltage and lightning protection for the 20kV power system. The application of non-linear resistors for arrester resistors has the advantages of low residual voltage, large current capacity, and flat steep waves. Ensure the normal operation of the power system.
Telephone: 0717-4555888
Telephone: 0717-4722659
Fax: 0717-4839292
Mail box: ychykj@163.com
Address: No. 198, Chenghe Avenue, Shilipu Industrial Park, Yidu City, Hubei Province
Post Code: 443300